NOW OPEN: Our special promotion for people who like to buy conference tickets during the calendar year before the conference takes place!
You can buy your #NBPy tickets today! No discounts! No extra benefits! Enjoy the security of knowing you have a real ticket!
1. yes, this is real
2. yes, the dates are April 26th & 27th
3. "the corporate budget cycle" apparently? I'm as confused as you are.
My personal goal this year is for someone to finally buy a fancy armchair ticket. Just one. @NorthBayPython
@NorthBayPython When does the CFP period open?
@itsthejoker Probably January, probably?
@NorthBayPython it took me a while but I got two proposals in ^_^
@NorthBayPython Not sure, but this might be a typo: "Note that special dietary orders placed before April 14th may not be able to be accommodated" (I assume this is meant to say *after* April 14th?)
@lukas _hilariously_ a variety of that text has been in place for three whole years and this is the first time anyone has mentioned it.
@NorthBayPython Hah. Well, I notice things. Sometimes..
@NorthBayPython the fancy couch option is so good ... extra space for cats too!
@caitelatte RIGHT?! I can't believe nobody has bought such a ticket before